At the moment, Microsoft has three versions of Power BI you can use. The Power BI Free, Power BI Pro and Power BI Premium. The Power BI Premium is a replacement of the Power BI Embedded version. This article will highlight the differences between the three versions of Power BI.
Differences in Power BI License after 01-06-2017
PowerBI Free: Available but without collaborative elements. Nice to use for single users to explore power bi, limited value to integrate data sources
PowerBI Pro: Remains the fully functional tool . Use for Report building or create dashboards, integrate data and build data models
PowerBI Premium: Dedicated Cloud Service for PowerBI. Allow people to access PowerBI reports without a Pro license or serve as a cloud Service, for example to embed Power BI into a cloud application (SaaS).
PowerBI Pro evaluation version:
Everyone can perform a free 60-day evaluation of PowerBI Pro
Power BI Premium requires 12 Months Commitment!!
Comes in 3 tastes- “Small, Medium and Large” P1, P2 and P3
Here’s a handy Power BI Premium Calculator to determine if you need P1.2 or 3
Customers can start at P1 and Step Up (in year) as requirements increase.
There were soms talks about a light version of power BI Premium, starting at 650 dollars a month.