I am working for a client which uses a Datawarehouse in which the data is loaded once a day during the night. During the rest of the day, nothing changes in the datawarehouse. After a couple of years, the database grows and grows and reports are getting slower and slower. Another problem is that they use Reporting Services as a front-end tool with some reports performing very bad, also after tweaking indexes and queries. This article will give you a method of using caching to fix the performance problems and speed up your reporting services report by 100%!
We use several heavy reports in Microsoft Reporting Services to show data to the business users, and it really saves the day to cache them. Caching means that the server saves a temporary “snapshot” of the report in it’s cache so it will popup immediately! The performance improvement is great, but there is one problem. I don’t know exactly when the data is “ready to serve”, and I need to refresh the cached reports dynamically. With dynamically I mean, parameter based. I also need to cleanup the SSRS Cache first.
In Microsoft Reporting Services, there are two options for pre-loading Reports; caching and snapshots. A snapshot is like a piece of paper, a static instance of the report. After the snapshot is taken, nothing can be changed in the parameters. Caching is different. It can save different “instances” of the report (same report with different parameters configurations) and can save this into the TempDB till it expires. A cached instance will be cleaned from cache after it expires. There is no way you can “Re-Cache” things (only with an advanced cache refresh plan, out of scope). When you re-run caching, SSRS looks in the database for the Instance and sees that it is already cached and will leave the old results in database. It will do this with the parameters given (fingerprint). This is a very important thing to understand. A report won’t stay in the cache indefinitely. It will be removed if the report is set to expire, if the report is modified, if the parameters are modified, if the credentials of the data source change, if any other execution options change, or if you delete the report.
So one thing to keep in mind with Null Delivery is that the copy of the report in cache must be expired before you create a new copy using this method. I would suggest setting up the report cache to expire on a specific schedule, shortly before this subscription runs.
There are two methods of getting (not refreshing, this is a wrong term) the data of the cache or a snapshot; specific on a time OR with a shared schedule. As you can see, none of these options work for me, so I looked a bit in detail in what options I have to refresh the cache manually.
Concept: we use two shared schedules, these are dummy shared schedules. We will attach the reports we want to cache/expire to this shared schedules. The first one we use to trigger report cache expiration. The second one we use for caching the results. At the end of our datawarehouse load, we trigger the shared schedules at a specific moment,. All the caching of the attached reports will be deleted and will be refilled!
I will take you through the steps to get the job done!
Step 1 – Create two dummy shared schedules
You need proper permission on the SSRS manager to get the “Site Settings” button on top of report manager:
Click on the Site Settings, Schedules, New Schedule. Give it a meaningfull name, something like
“DWH_SharedSchedule_ForCaching_DoNotChangeOrDelete” “DWH_SharedSchedule_ForExpireCaching_DoNotChangeOrDelete”
We use this to activate caching and cleaning cach for all reports.
You cannot set “Run Once” with a runtime in the past, otherwise it will never work. This wil cause the subscription to expire immediately after the caching has run! I discovered this because my caching didn’t work. It wil create duplicate caching records in database with the same hash value, alle expired. So my conclusion is that SSRS will check the Shared Schedule attached to the “expire value” to verify when it needs to expire. When this shared schedule is already expired, the cache is immediately expired when it’s saved to the table, the data is 1970-01-01!SELECT C.Name, EC.* FROM ReportServerTempDB.dbo.ExecutionCache AS EC INNER JOIN ReportServer.dbo.Catalog AS C ON EC.ReportID = C.ItemID |
The Next run is in future, schedule also and expired column is empty! Double check!
SSRS will create an agent job for this schedule. You can view this job in the Agent. The scheduling of this job will be set to the time you have defined. You can also check the step it creates! For now, we delete this job. It pollute your agent job tasks and we don’t start the job via the agent. We will start the job in SSIS at the end of our ETL process.
Step 2 – Setup a NULL Delivery Subscription
Go to the SSRS report (via report manager) which is performing bad, this one is going to be setup for caching via a NULL Delivery subscription.
Click on the “Subscription” tab and create a new data driven subcription of type “Null Delivery Provider”.
You need a SQL Server Enterprise License to use this feature. When the button is not there, you probably have the Standard Edition.
Note that you have to enter the password every time you edit the subscription.
As you can see, I use a database view. In this view I can generate all parameter combinations for which I want to cache the report. This can be just one line of a lot of lines. Example;
Press Validate to check if everything is fine. Press next, next.
Now map every parameter from the view or sql command to the report parameter. Every combination will be cached. Each time you edit this subscription, you have to complete the connection password.
In the final step, we attach this subscription to the dummy shared schedule:
Step 3 – Confgure Caching
Go back to the “Manage Report” screen and choose “Processing Options” on the left. Choose:
Step 4 – Running the Shared Schedules
Now we have setup a Data Driven Subscription of Type “NULL Delivery”. Nothing will be send by mail, just generate the report for caching purposes. The next thing is to give the shared schedule a kick so it will run. This can be done using the AddEvent procedure against the Report Server database. First we retrieve the GUID of t he dummy shared schedule. Then we add the SharedSchedule event to the event table. SSRS scans this table every second and will execute it! But important, first clean the cache of all reports, attached to expire with this shared schedule.
-- Cleanup Cache DECLARE @ExpiredScheduleID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER DECLARE @ExpiredScheduleName AS VARCHAR(128) = 'DWH_SharedSchedule_ForExpireCaching_DoNotChangeOrDelete' -- Get the Schedule identifier SET @ExpiredScheduleID = (SELECT ScheduleID FROM ReportServer_BENL_DWH_1.dbo.SCHEDULE WHERE NAME = @ExpiredScheduleName) -- pass the Schedule identifier to the Event insert procedure EXEC ReportServer_BENL_DWH_1.dbo.AddEvent @EventType='SharedSchedule', @EventData=@ExpiredScheduleID -- Execute a Shared Schedule: DECLARE @ScheduleID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER DECLARE @ScheduleName AS VARCHAR(128) = 'DWH_SharedSchedule_ForCaching_DoNotChangeOrDelete' -- Get the Schedule identifier SET @ScheduleID = (SELECT ScheduleID FROM ReportServer_BENL_DWH_1.dbo.SCHEDULE WHERE NAME = @ScheduleName) -- pass the Schedule identifier to the Event insert procedure EXEC ReportServer_BENL_DWH_1.dbo.AddEvent @EventType='SharedSchedule', @EventData=@ScheduleID |
Step 5- Test
That’s it! Now you can test if it works by running the report. It can take a while to cache the report so be patient! You can see when the subscription has been run on this screen:
You can also check in the database if the result is cached and when it will expire (AbsoluteExpiration field).
SELECT C.Name, EC.* FROM ReportServerTempDB.dbo.ExecutionCache AS EC INNER JOIN ReportServer.dbo.Catalog AS C ON EC.ReportID = C.ItemID |
Note: There is no SQL command to refresh the cache of a NULL Delivery Provider, you need to do this via a shared schedule to expire cache. There is a command to refresh a cache refresh plan but we do the caching with the subscription. You can also cleanup the cache with this command (all caching will be deleted, also snapshots):
DELETE ReportServer_TempDB.dbo.SnapshotData WHERE SnapshotDataID IN (SELECT EC.SnapshotDataID FROM ReportServer_BENL_DWH_1.dbo.Catalog C INNER JOIN ReportServer_TempDB.dbo.ExecutionCache EC ON EC.ReportID = C.ItemID WHERE LEFT(C.Path,8) = '/DWH_NL/') DELETE ReportServer_TempDB.dbo.ExecutionCache WHERE SnapshotDataID IN (SELECT EC.SnapshotDataID FROM ReportServer_BENL_DWH_1.dbo.Catalog C INNER JOIN ReportServer_TempDB.dbo.ExecutionCache EC ON EC.ReportID = C.ItemID WHERE LEFT(C.Path,8) = '/DWH_NL/') |
You can also do some extra checks in the SSRS database so see the cache settings:
SELECT * FROM ReportServe.dbo.CachePolicy ExpireFlags: 1 = Expire after XXX minutes, 2 = USING a Shared Schedule |
Check in the TemDB if the Report is cached:
SELECT * FROM ReportServerTempDB.dbo.ExecutionCache |
Another very handy option is to runn a single NULL Delivery Subscription (or another subscription) with a T-SQL statement:
EXEC [ReportServer].dbo.AddEvent @EventType = 'TimedSubscription', @EventData = 'E7F3A09D-8576-4EC7-A1DB-86E244E0A670' |
Replace the UID with the UID of the subscriptionID from the dbo.Subscription table.
Update 12-nov-2013
Today, a client contacted me that SSRS was showing him wrong results. After doing investigation, I discovered that all ETL processes where loaded and the reporting cache was refreshed. What was going wrong? My ETL-package to refresh the cache looked like this:
I discovered this when I was looking in the execution log, the byte count for the NULL-delivery subscription was 0, this means that the report was run from Cache. So when the NULL delivery was activated, SSRS had a fingerprint of the parameters (so cache exists).
And here is the SQL statement which you can use to check if a NULL-Delivery Subscription has been run. This is an example for one report. Check the rowcount! If it’s 0, it means the report has been run from cache.
SELECT C.Name, EL.TimeStart, EL.TimeEnd,EL.* FROM dbo.ExecutionLogStorage AS EL INNER JOIN dbo.Catalog AS C ON EL.ReportID = C.ItemID WHERE TimeStart > '2013-11-12' AND C.Name = 'PS_ManagementRapportage Productiviteit' |
I think SSRS needs some delay in processing caching and the expire cache option because I run this SQL from a stored procedure. This is hard to test. My solution for now is to delete alle the cache, hard coded. This can be accomplished with this SQL . I only delete the cache from the DWH_NL folder in this example.
DELETE ReportServerTempDB.dbo.ExecutionCache WHERE SnapshotDataID IN (SELECT EC.SnapshotDataID FROM ReportServer.dbo.Catalog C INNER JOIN ReportServerTempDB.dbo.ExecutionCache EC ON EC.ReportID = C.ItemID WHERE LEFT(C.Path,8) = '/DWH_NL/') |
I added a delay between Expire Cache and the NULL Delivery share schedule:
-- RUN SHARED SCHEDULE: FOREXPIRECACHING TO ACTIVATE ALL NULL DELIVERY SUBSCRIPTIONS DECLARE @ExpiredScheduleID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER DECLARE @ExpiredScheduleName AS VARCHAR(128) = 'DWH_SharedSchedule_ForExpireCaching_DoNotChangeOrDelete' -- Get the Schedule identifier SET @ExpiredScheduleID = (SELECT ScheduleID FROM ReportServer.dbo.SCHEDULE WHERE NAME = @ExpiredScheduleName) -- pass the Schedule identifier to the Event insert procedure EXEC ReportServer.dbo.AddEvent @EventType='SharedSchedule', @EventData=@ExpiredScheduleID -- There can be an issue with caching if the expiration is not 100% complete. We set a WAIT -- command to know sure that all cache has been expired. --The format is hh:mi:ss.mmm. WAITFOR DELAY '00:02:00.000'; -- RUN SHARED SCHEDULE: FORCACHING TO ACTIVATE ALL NULL DELIVERY SUBSCRIPTIONS DECLARE @ScheduleID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER DECLARE @ScheduleName AS VARCHAR(128) = 'DWH_SharedSchedule_ForCaching_DoNotChangeOrDelete' SET @ScheduleID = (SELECT ScheduleID FROM ReportServer.dbo.SCHEDULE WHERE NAME = @ScheduleName) EXEC ReportServer.dbo.AddEvent @EventType='SharedSchedule', @EventData=@ScheduleID<br /><br /><br /> |
Possible issues
We are using this method for seven years now. After migrating to a new server, we discovered that the SSRS caching mechanism didn’t work anymore. When I looked at the subscription page in Report Manager, it looked that the subscription was working fine. It said that all subscriptions where executed. When I run a reports, it was very, very slow. When I opened a report, I checked the dbo.ExecutionCache table. One record appeared in the table so it was cached. When I re-opened the same report, a new record was cached with the same data! Pretty strang! After a long investigation, I found out that the cache expiration was attached to an expired schedule!
When you attach a subscription cache to and expired shared schedulde, Reporting Services will automatically delete the cache after XXX minutes! So the best thing you can do is put the shared schedule one year in the future so it’s not expired!
Thanks for your blog post which shines a lot of light on this very effective (but poorly-documented) functionality in SSRS.
I also noticed that deploying a report from Visual Studio also clears all caches for that report.
Thanks Mike. There is hardly NO documentation available about this subject. It was a nice job to discover how everything works under water. I hope this article helps you to get things done!
Thanks a lot for putting your effort into a blog. It helped a lot 🙂 Your solution is working great.
I have no idea why such a basic feature like cache Invalidation/refresh cannot be triggered easily by standard.
In addition to your “NULL delivery provider” I’m using your method successfully for cache refresh plans and I think I’ll use it in the near future for our subscriptions too (assure that subscriptions go out after ETL has finished).
Keep it up!
Hi Ronald, thanks a lot for this clear blog with full tips. I’ve implemented it and it works lovelly.
Maybe instead of using dbo.ExecutionLogStorage, the DMV ExecutionLog3 can be used. There is a column “Source” that indicates if the report has been rendered from Cache or Live or Session (Indicates a follow up request within an already established session)
SELECT EL.ItemPath, EL.TimeStart, EL.TimeEnd,EL.*
FROM dbo.ExecutionLog3 AS EL
WHERE TimeStart > ‘2013-11-12’
AND ItemPath like ‘%PS_ManagementRapportage Productiviteit%’
I’ve just one issue and I’m wondering if you run into it.
I’ve configured the caching for 2 reports: the reports are exactly the same but with 2 different names.
When I execute the addevent for the shared Schedule ForCaching and check if the reports has ReportServerTempDB.dbo.ExecutionCache
Only 1 report appear.
Do you have any idea why the other report is not being cached?
I’m using SQL Server 2012 SP1. The reports are deployed on a Sharepoint 2013 site.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Lohic,
It’s been a while since I was programming this piece. I have not run into this issue. Every report has an unique ID so even when they are the same, they are unique in the database.
Awesome article, just what I was looking for. Thank you.
You’re welcome. It’s really cool to manipulate thing in the SSRS background. You can build your own subscription system in a front/backoffice application and “push” thing to the SSRS database, really cool.
Glad I found this post, thanks for taking the time to clearly walk through it! We have a very similar setup, where we “expire” the shared schedules as a last step in our ETL processing. And, similar to what you’ve experienced, we occasionally see cases where the cache is not actually cleared out, even though the schedule was expired. We added a delay step, but this didn’t always resolve the issue. After further investigation, we’re seeing deadlocks on the report server after we call the “AddEvent” sproc.
The deadlock info shows that the delete statement in “FlushReportFromCache” is always the victim; this sproc gets called somewhere after a shared schedule event is added to the events table. The circular lock involves the “IX_SnapshotDataID” index in the dbo.ExecutionCache table and the “IX_SnapshotData” index in the dbo.SnapshotData table. The deadlocks result in old data remaining in TempDB.
Have you experienced this at all? If so, do you have a solution to get around these deadlocks? Thanks!
Hi Chris,
Thanks for the comment’s. I havent’faced this issue myself so no experience with fixing this thing. Did you try to delete the cache record “hard” with a delete statement?
Thanks for the quick response. We were trying to avoid a “hard” delete if possible, but I’ll keep that approach in my back pocket if I can’t figure anything else out. If I find a solution, I’ll post it in the comments here.
How to clear the cache before run the share schedule.
Is it just run the DELETE statements or some other method and why we need first dummy share schedule (for DWH_SharedSchedule_ForExpireCaching_DoNotChangeOrDelete )?
Do we need to put Delete statements in this Data driven DWH_SharedSchedule_ForExpireCaching_DoNotChangeOrDelete subscription?
You must attach the subscription cache expiration option to the shared schedule DWH_SharedSchedule_ForExpireCaching_DoNotChangeOrDelete and trigger that schedule. The cache will be cleared!